Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day #13:

It's been 13 days since my surgery and I just got my staples out yesterday WOOT WOOT!!!! I feel so much better that those babies are out, i just feel more free:)

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Well, I have another PT session today and I get my staples out in 4 days!!! I can see much more muscle tone in my quad now that I've been continuing my exercises at home! Hopefully I will be able to walk soon:)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

WEEK #1!!!!!!:

It's finally been 1 WHOLE WEEK SINCE SURGERY!!! YAYY!! I went to the PT yesterday and good news! I'm at 90 degrees already with my flexion and full extension:) I still have a long road ahead of me but in no time I'm gonna be on that basketball court doing what I love best!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


IT'S ALMOST BEEN 1 WHOLE WEEK!!!! I am still couch bound and had a dream last night that I was walking without crutches, but sadly it wasn't true:( My pain is almost TOTALLY gone and I think I am going to track my progress on video camera so I can make a documentary about my recovery
 process:) -"What defines us is how well we rise after falling" I'm getting stronger everyday!!!!

Monday, January 20, 2014


It's day 5 and I'm feeling the best out of all the other days!!!Tomorrow I see the PT again for my second session!! I'm still keeping up on the exercises and I will keep you posted!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day #4:

It's the fourth day after successful surgery! I woke up feeling awesome, their was no pain whatsoever! ZERO! DONUT! I am still continuing the same exercises everyday and icing as much as I can, because you can't over ice:)  My next PT session is on Tuesday the 21st of January, and I am getting my stitches out on the 27th :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Day 3 after my surgery on the 15th...  or you could say day 4 but i'd say day 3 since it's been 3 FULL DAYS since surgery at 7am :) Let's see... so last night I did go to my team's game and they lost by 11 to a really good park center team :( I know if I was playing I could have definitely contributed considering I was the second leading scorer on the team! :P It's hard watching, but I have to be there for my team because I am still apart of the team just as anybody else is! I'm going to come back my Senior year and hopefully make it to the State Tournament!! :D I've been keeping up on my exercises and my medicine. My pain is probably at a 3 right now, so not too shabby :)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day #2:

It's my 2nd day after getting my acl surgery and I just wanted to keep a blog about my progress and how my day is going I guess! I got my bandages redone yesterday, so the day after surgery and my staples looked fine the nurse said and that their wasn't any signs of infection so that's good news!!! My swelling isn't too bad and the pain is just normal. The pain is mostly just soreness than a striking pain... iv'e been taking the  2 Hydrocodone  every 6 hours as needed and it really helps ALOT! The only time my knee hurts is if I get up to go anywhere and that's pretty much the bathroom.. except I might go to my game against Park Center at 7 PM tonight to cheer on my team!!! At the moment I am Icing my knee while its elevated to keep the swelling down. I went to my first PT session yesterday, and she just gave me the exercises listed below to do at home:

  • 2 sets of heel slides (10x)
  • 2 sets of knee extension stretches ( hold 3-5 min)
  • 2 sets of isometric quadriceps (10-20x, hold 5 sec) 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Story...

On December 28th 2013, I tore my acl during the first 3 minutes of my varsity basketball game during an invitational tournament! I was having such a great Junior year and then I hit this speed bump in the road... I made a drop step to the basket and my left knee just gave out and I went down crying and screaming! When I heard that pop I knew something was wrong. I wasn't crying because of the pain really, I was mostly crying of the thought that my Junior season of basketball was over; I was right. I got my MRI results back about a week later and I underwent my first ever surgery on January 15th, 2014! I was so scared and nervous when I first went into the pre op room but after they put some medication into the IV I got really sleepy and I think I even fell asleep before the nurses gave me the anesthesia :) I'M A FIGHTER AND I'M GOING TO COME BACK ONTO THE COURT STRONGER, FASTER, AND OVERALL BETTER THAN EVER! My dream is to play college basketball and this injury isn't taking that away from me! - "When you wan't to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be SUCCESSFUL."

STAPLE STATUS 101 first day after surgery!